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Mashery 2.0 Reporting API Guide

Welcome to the Mashery 2.0 Reporting API Guide. This guide describes how to use the Mashery 2.0 Reporting API.  This API enables customers to retrieve performance and operational data, for their Mashery-managed APIs, in order to drive off-line analytics, custom dashboards and integrate into their own datawarehouses.  This API, which can be used with your existing Mashery V2 API key, exposes most of the data that can already be seen in the Mashery Dashboard.  For a mapping between the charts and reports that you see in the Dashboard and the corresponding API calls, click here.

A summary table of the available resources that can be called is found below.  You can also explore that Reporting API using Mashery I/O Docs.

Resource Description
Area APIs
AreaCacheHitRate For a specific customer and date range, returns the rate of api calls served through the Mashery Cache relative to the total call volume through the area.
AreaCountApplicationsCreated For a specific customer and date range, returns the count of applications created within the time period.
AreaCountKeysDistributed For a specific customer and date range, returns the count of keys distributed within the time period.
AreaCountMembersRegistered For a specific customer and date range, returns the count of members registered within the time period.
AreaDataServed For a specific customer and date range, returns the volume of data served through the area.
AreaDataServedTrend For a specific customer, and date range, returns a time chart of data served in units of Gigabytes.
AreaPlatformAvailabilityTrend For a specific customer, and date range, returns a time chart of the percetage of api calls with status codes 503 or 504.
AreaPlatformLatencyPercentileNinetyFive For a specific customer and date range, returns the calculated overall 95th percentile of latency for the area.
AreaPlatformStatus For a specific customer, and for the trailing 24 hour time period, returns the ratio of the the sum of api calls with status codes 503 or 504 over the total count of api calls for the specified time period.


For a specific customer, and date range, returns a time chart of the sum of api calls with status codes 503 or 504.
AreaQpsRate For a specific customer and date range, returns the maximum calls per second for the area.


For a specific customer, and date range, returns a time chart of the maximum calls per second.


Returns counts of calls in a current and previous time period and calculates the percentage change comparison. 
CallsQPSForArea For a specific customer and data range, returns QPS, Data Transfer, Concurrency information in 30 minute slices
KeysUsageConsistency For a specific customer, date range returns the average count of API keys with traffic per day, the total count of API keys with traffic in the time interval, and the ratio of average count and total count aka Usage Consistency.
PercentageCommunicationAvailability For a specific customer and date range, returns the call volume by status codes and the calculation for Communication Availability.
TotalCallsPackagesSummary For a specific customer and date range, returns a timechart count of all calls.
Service APIs  
CallsDeveloperActivityForService For a specific service, returns a summary across the report interval of activity by Developer. Sort order of the returned data is number of successful calls for each developer, in descending order.
CallsErrorcountByDeveloperForService For a specific service, returns error count broken out by Developer
CallsErrorcountByMethodForService For a specific service, returns time-based counts of errors further broken out by Method
CallsErrorcodesForService For a specific service, returns time-based counts of errors
CallsGeolocationForService For a specific service, returns a summary across the report interval of originating geolocation of calls
CallsLatencyForService For a specific service, returns time-based average of call latency breaking out Mashery Proxy and the Client API
CallsLatencyByMethodForService For a specific service, returns time-based average of call latency further broken out by Method PLUS some other details TBD
CallsLatencyByResponsecodeForService For a specific service, returns time-based average of call latency further broken out by response code PLUS some other details
CallsMethodsForService For a specific service, returns time-based count of calls by method
CallsMedianVolumeByHourForService For a specific service, across the specified interval, returns median call volume by hour for a 24-hour day.
CallsQPSForEndpoint For all endpoints in an Area, and given data range, returns QPS, Data Transfer, Concurrency information in 30 minute slices
CallsResponsesFromCacheForService For a specific service, returns time-based percentage of successful call responses that were from Mashery Cache
CallsStatusForService For a specific service, returns time-based count of calls by status
Developer APIs
CallsErrorcodesForServiceForDeveloper For a specific service, for a specific developer, call count by error code.
CallsGeolocationForServiceForDeveloper For a specific service and developer, returns a summary across the report interval of originating geolocation of calls
CallsMethodsForServiceForDeveloper For a specific service, for a specific developer, call count by method.
CallsQPSForDeveloper For a specific Developer and date range, returns QPS, Data Transfer, Concurrency information in 30 minute slices
CallsStatusForServiceForDeveloper For a specific service, for a specific developer, call status.

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