• Register


Resource URI


Items in curly braces represent variables.


A Member is a developer who has registered with your developer portal to gain access to your API program. Establishing a member account is required for a developer to gain access to your APIs. The Mashery v3 API supports fetching, creating, updating and deleting Members but does not provide password information for security reasons.

Resource Schema

Property Characteristics
id Type string
Create Rule Ignored
Update Rule Required (if not in context)
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description Object identifier (Member UUID).
username Type string
Create Rule Required
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description Member username name. The username cannot be changed once the user account is created, so including personal or private information is not recommended for privacy reasons.
created Type string
Sub-type datetime
Create Rule Ignored
Update Rule Ignored
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description Date/time the object was created.
updated Type string
Sub-type datetime
Create Rule Ignored
Update Rule Ignored
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description Date/time the object was last updated.
email Type string
Create Rule Required
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description Email address of the member. This is non-unique, i.e. a single email address can be used for multiple member accounts.
displayName Type string
Create Rule Required
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description Name to use in portal blog comments, discussion forums.
uri Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description URI of the website of the user.
blog Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description URI of the blog of the user.
im Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description IM handle
imsvc Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description IM service, e.g. Hipchat, Google Hangouts, etc.
phone Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description Phone number of the user
company Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description Company name
address1 Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description Address 1
address2 Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description Address 2
locality Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description Locale/city of the user
region Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description Region/country of the user
postalCode Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description Postal/zip code
countryCode Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description Code of the country of the user
firstName Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description First name
lastName Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description Last name
areaStatus Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description Area status, e.g. active, waiting, disabled.
externalId Type string
Create Rule Required
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description ID of the user in an external system, e.g. Salesforce
passwdNew Type string
Create Rule Required
Update Rule Ignored
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description Password of the user; create only.
applications Type array
Sub-type Application
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Applications that belong to the Member.
packageKeys Type array
Sub-type PackageKey
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Package Keys that belong to the Member.
roles Type array
Sub-type Role
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Roles that belong to the Member.

fetch all [GET]

Retrieves collection of Members belonging to the given Area.


Parameter Required Type Description
fields false string Comma-separated list of property paths to include in response. Each property path is a dot-separated list of object property names. fields=<property\[.property...\]>\[,...\]\[&fields=...\]
filter false string Colon-separated name/value pair specifying the name of property whose value must contain the given value (as a substring). Results may also be filtered by nested collections' properties by specifying a dot-separated property path. filter=<property\[.property...\]>:<value>\[&filter=...\]
sort false string Comma-separated list of properties to sort by. Only root-level properties are supported. Each property name may be optionally followed by :asc or :desc to specify sort direction (defaults to asc). sort=<property\[:(asc\|desc)\]>\[,...\]\[&sort=...\]
limit false int Number of objects to return in the result. Defaults to 100.
offset false int 0-based index of first object in the list to return. Defaults to 0 for /service and /packages APIs. For /members, /applications, /packageKeys, and /roles APIs, the offset field functions as a page index, where the first page is indexed as 0.



Array of Roles for the Area If fields request parameter is not included, only those fields with "Fetch Rule" equal to "Implicit" will be returned. Otherwise, the fields contained in the URL parameter will be included in the response.


Array of validation responses



curl -k 'https://api.mashery.com/v3/rest/members' -H "Authorization: Bearer <insert your token here>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" 


        "address1": "sed",
        "address2": "euismod scelerisque quam",
        "areaStatus": "diam",
        "blog": "aliquet",
        "company": "ut",
        "countryCode": "ac lobortis vel",
        "created": "2015-02-05T13:14:00.000+0000",
        "displayName": "varius ut",
        "email": "lectus in",
        "externalId": "velit nec nisi",
        "firstName": "in purus",
        "id": "17519e33-3dd2-4d48-ac2d-9b9352382d10",
        "im": "sit",
        "imsvc": "neque vestibulum eget vulputate",
        "lastName": "purus phasellus in",
        "locality": "vulputate elementum nullam",
        "passwdNew": "integer ac leo",
        "phone": "orci pede",
        "postalCode": "id consequat",
        "region": "nec dui luctus",
        "updated": "2015-06-01T03:51:01.000+0000",
        "uri": "enim sit amet",
        "username": "est"


curl -k 'https://api.mashery.com/v3/rest/members' -H "Authorization: Bearer <insert your token here>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" 


        "address1": "ipsum",
        "address2": "pede",
        "areaStatus": "ligula pellentesque ultrices phasellus",
        "blog": "convallis morbi odio",
        "company": "pellentesque ultrices mattis",
        "countryCode": "habitasse platea",
        "created": "2015-10-07T22:03:18.000+0000",
        "displayName": "ut volutpat sapien",
        "email": "ultrices libero non mattis",
        "externalId": "augue a suscipit",
        "firstName": "vestibulum",
        "id": "1a626099-484a-4a34-ab8c-cc061910552f",
        "im": "aliquam erat volutpat",
        "imsvc": "mauris eget massa tempor",
        "lastName": "in",
        "locality": "pellentesque",
        "passwdNew": "neque",
        "phone": "ultrices posuere",
        "postalCode": "etiam faucibus cursus",
        "region": "nulla",
        "updated": "2015-12-04T01:09:41.000+0000",
        "uri": "ultrices",
        "username": "in magna bibendum imperdiet"

fetch [GET]

Retrieves the identified Member.


Parameter Required Type Description
memberId true string Member identifier.
fields false string Comma-separated list of property paths to include in response. Each property path is a dot-separated list of object property names. fields=<property\[.property...\]>\[,...\]\[&fields=...\]
filter false string Colon-separated name/value pair specifying the name of property whose value must contain the given value (as a substring). Results may also be filtered by nested collections' properties by specifying a dot-separated property path. filter=<property\[.property...\]>:<value>\[&filter=...\]
sort false string Comma-separated list of properties to sort by. Only root-level properties are supported. Each property name may be optionally followed by :asc or :desc to specify sort direction (defaults to asc). sort=<property\[:(asc\|desc)\]>\[,...\]\[&sort=...\]
limit false int Number of objects to return in the result. Defaults to 100.
offset false int 0-based index of first object in the list to return. Defaults to 0 for /service and /packages APIs. For /members, /applications, /packageKeys, and /roles APIs, the offset field functions as a page index, where the first page is indexed as 0.



Array of ServiceDefinitions for the Area If fields request parameter is not included, only those fields with "Fetch Rule" equal to "Implicit" will be returned. Otherwise, the fields contained in the URL parameter will be included in the response.


Array of validation responses



curl -k 'https://api.mashery.com/v3/rest/members/{memberId}' -H "Authorization: Bearer <insert your token here>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" 


        "address1": "fringilla rhoncus",
        "address2": "eu tincidunt in",
        "areaStatus": "in hac habitasse platea",
        "blog": "in est",
        "company": "blandit nam nulla integer",
        "countryCode": "volutpat eleifend donec ut",
        "created": "2015-03-11T03:23:34.000+0000",
        "displayName": "eros vestibulum ac est",
        "email": "ornare consequat lectus",
        "externalId": "consequat morbi",
        "firstName": "metus",
        "id": "5853140a-6b91-4e6e-968d-73a279c28ea6",
        "im": "curae nulla dapibus",
        "imsvc": "purus phasellus in",
        "lastName": "lacus at velit",
        "locality": "neque libero convallis",
        "passwdNew": "viverra diam vitae",
        "phone": "hendrerit at",
        "postalCode": "nam dui proin leo",
        "region": "vestibulum vestibulum",
        "updated": "2015-03-16T16:04:33.000+0000",
        "uri": "curabitur gravida",
        "username": "nibh in hac habitasse"


curl -k 'https://api.mashery.com/v3/rest/members/{memberId}' -H "Authorization: Bearer <insert your token here>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" 


        "address1": "turpis eget elit sodales",
        "address2": "risus semper porta",
        "areaStatus": "quisque",
        "blog": "libero ut massa",
        "company": "amet erat",
        "countryCode": "suspendisse ornare",
        "created": "2015-01-06T18:27:07.000+0000",
        "displayName": "nunc commodo placerat praesent",
        "email": "amet eros suspendisse accumsan",
        "externalId": "nisl venenatis lacinia aenean",
        "firstName": "cras",
        "id": "e4a67558-1164-4865-9067-dcb60a7afd99",
        "im": "at vulputate vitae nisl",
        "imsvc": "habitasse",
        "lastName": "orci luctus",
        "locality": "nulla integer",
        "passwdNew": "mauris morbi non lectus",
        "phone": "elit",
        "postalCode": "ante",
        "region": "natoque penatibus",
        "updated": "2015-12-28T20:19:45.000+0000",
        "uri": "parturient",
        "username": "libero rutrum"

create [POST]

Creates a new Member in the given Area.


Parameter Required Type Description
member true object Member object



ServiceDefinition as created If fields request parameter is not included, only those fields with "Fetch Rule" equal to "Implicit" will be returned. Otherwise, the fields contained in the URL parameter will be included in the response.


Array of validation responses



curl -k 'https://api.mashery.com/v3/rest/members' -H "Authorization: Bearer <insert your token here>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" --request POST --data '{"address1":"vel","address2":"nulla quisque","areaStatus":"hac habitasse platea dictumst","blog":"arcu adipiscing","company":"nec","countryCode":"mauris","created":"2015-01-05T12:42:04.000+0000","displayName":"praesent lectus vestibulum quam","email":"augue a suscipit","externalId":"interdum","firstName":"nulla sed vel","id":"636ee9a3-9f00-4d6b-ada5-bd40242a7326","im":"condimentum","imsvc":"cubilia curae mauris","lastName":"justo eu massa donec","locality":"sit","passwdNew":"sem sed","phone":"orci luctus et","postalCode":"iaculis congue","region":"eu mi","updated":"2015-08-13T05:16:40.000+0000","uri":"imperdiet","username":"vel"}


        "address1": "imperdiet nullam",
        "address2": "consequat dui nec",
        "areaStatus": "platea dictumst maecenas ut",
        "blog": "mauris laoreet ut rhoncus",
        "company": "in",
        "countryCode": "donec",
        "created": "2015-08-16T18:28:41.000+0000",
        "displayName": "lorem vitae mattis",
        "email": "quam pharetra magna",
        "externalId": "habitasse platea dictumst",
        "firstName": "non",
        "id": "1caacc7b-3153-48a5-9118-e7b6a7c20207",
        "im": "diam cras pellentesque volutpat",
        "imsvc": "montes nascetur ridiculus mus",
        "lastName": "est et tempus semper",
        "locality": "metus arcu adipiscing molestie",
        "passwdNew": "proin",
        "phone": "arcu libero rutrum",
        "postalCode": "ut mauris eget massa",
        "region": "etiam vel augue vestibulum",
        "updated": "2015-05-24T14:33:20.000+0000",
        "uri": "suspendisse potenti",
        "username": "nulla suscipit ligula"


curl -k 'https://api.mashery.com/v3/rest/members' -H "Authorization: Bearer <insert your token here>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" --request POST --data '{"address1":"nunc vestibulum","address2":"ligula suspendisse ornare consequat","areaStatus":"est phasellus sit amet","blog":"vel dapibus at","company":"non velit nec nisi","countryCode":"dui vel nisl","created":"2015-08-03T20:09:39.000+0000","displayName":"vestibulum","email":"turpis sed ante vivamus","externalId":"habitasse platea dictumst etiam","firstName":"mus","id":"d9c0ea93-578d-4fc9-a06c-47617cfe0d1a","im":"at nulla suspendisse","imsvc":"duis bibendum morbi non","lastName":"semper porta volutpat","locality":"porttitor lacus at","passwdNew":"diam id ornare imperdiet","phone":"sem sed sagittis nam","postalCode":"semper est quam pharetra","region":"eros","updated":"2015-10-17T02:28:13.000+0000","uri":"a feugiat et","username":"curae duis faucibus accumsan"}


        "address1": "in libero ut massa",
        "address2": "congue eget",
        "areaStatus": "faucibus accumsan",
        "blog": "est",
        "company": "mauris",
        "countryCode": "eleifend",
        "created": "2015-09-21T22:34:53.000+0000",
        "displayName": "massa quis augue luctus",
        "email": "ipsum aliquam",
        "externalId": "varius ut blandit",
        "firstName": "hac habitasse",
        "id": "d12d9adc-2b85-4a48-bbb7-89bdc268bf8b",
        "im": "lacus",
        "imsvc": "odio porttitor",
        "lastName": "lobortis convallis tortor risus",
        "locality": "aliquam quis turpis",
        "passwdNew": "est lacinia nisi",
        "phone": "faucibus orci luctus et",
        "postalCode": "enim in tempor",
        "region": "nulla",
        "updated": "2015-10-28T01:01:29.000+0000",
        "uri": "tincidunt in leo",
        "username": "sapien placerat"

update [PUT]

Updates the identified Member.


Parameter Required Type Description
memberId true string Member identifier.
member true object Member object



ServiceDefinition as persisted If fields request parameter is not included, only those fields with "Fetch Rule" equal to "Implicit" will be returned. Otherwise, the fields contained in the URL parameter will be included in the response.


Array of validation responses



curl -k 'https://api.mashery.com/v3/rest/members/{memberId}' -H "Authorization: Bearer <insert your token here>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" --request PUT --data '{"address1":"donec quis orci","address2":"sed accumsan felis","areaStatus":"eleifend pede","blog":"praesent id massa","company":"ante ipsum primis in","countryCode":"dictumst","created":"2015-05-13T21:12:32.000+0000","displayName":"varius","email":"aliquet massa id","externalId":"suspendisse accumsan tortor","firstName":"libero convallis eget","id":"2275a680-84a7-44cb-96f2-8821565a4dd4","im":"lobortis sapien","imsvc":"enim lorem ipsum","lastName":"sagittis nam","locality":"in eleifend quam","passwdNew":"sem praesent id","phone":"erat curabitur gravida nisi","postalCode":"lacinia eget tincidunt eget","region":"posuere cubilia curae","updated":"2015-10-19T11:18:13.000+0000","uri":"enim lorem ipsum","username":"integer ac leo pellentesque"}


        "address1": "venenatis",
        "address2": "a ipsum integer a",
        "areaStatus": "tortor",
        "blog": "pellentesque eget nunc donec",
        "company": "nulla facilisi cras non",
        "countryCode": "elit",
        "created": "2015-11-22T14:04:15.000+0000",
        "displayName": "duis ac nibh",
        "email": "vulputate justo in blandit",
        "externalId": "lacus morbi sem",
        "firstName": "dui",
        "id": "21967258-3079-4c4d-ab3d-6724f158079c",
        "im": "cursus urna ut tellus",
        "imsvc": "vel",
        "lastName": "semper rutrum",
        "locality": "eget eros elementum",
        "passwdNew": "sem mauris laoreet ut",
        "phone": "rutrum nulla",
        "postalCode": "duis",
        "region": "lacus purus",
        "updated": "2015-09-12T11:33:18.000+0000",
        "uri": "sem sed sagittis",
        "username": "congue elementum"


curl -k 'https://api.mashery.com/v3/rest/members/{memberId}' -H "Authorization: Bearer <insert your token here>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" --request PUT --data '{"address1":"at diam nam","address2":"eros suspendisse accumsan","areaStatus":"magna vestibulum aliquet","blog":"tortor sollicitudin","company":"convallis morbi","countryCode":"magnis dis","created":"2015-06-05T23:43:15.000+0000","displayName":"id lobortis convallis tortor","email":"suspendisse ornare consequat","externalId":"ut volutpat","firstName":"tincidunt eu felis fusce","id":"9bc5a09c-9823-4b81-b5ae-6afbbc9d2907","im":"ultrices posuere cubilia curae","imsvc":"pretium quis lectus","lastName":"dapibus augue","locality":"ut massa quis","passwdNew":"nunc commodo","phone":"volutpat sapien arcu sed","postalCode":"sed justo pellentesque","region":"at","updated":"2015-02-12T02:10:10.000+0000","uri":"etiam","username":"mauris eget massa"}


        "address1": "faucibus cursus",
        "address2": "libero nam dui",
        "areaStatus": "lobortis",
        "blog": "morbi",
        "company": "lacinia erat",
        "countryCode": "vel",
        "created": "2015-09-27T08:23:02.000+0000",
        "displayName": "suspendisse ornare consequat lectus",
        "email": "vitae ipsum aliquam",
        "externalId": "donec",
        "firstName": "vitae nisl",
        "id": "d03a7a3b-7fd9-41c6-a074-bb6e7ebec097",
        "im": "varius integer ac",
        "imsvc": "justo",
        "lastName": "vulputate",
        "locality": "placerat",
        "passwdNew": "dolor quis odio consequat",
        "phone": "cras pellentesque",
        "postalCode": "eu",
        "region": "cubilia curae mauris",
        "updated": "2015-05-08T16:12:21.000+0000",
        "uri": "vivamus",
        "username": "diam"

delete [DELETE]

Deletes the identified Member. This removes the member from the area but does not delete their Mashery account.


Parameter Required Type Description
memberId true string Member identifier.



Empty response


Array of validation responses



curl -k 'https://api.mashery.com/v3/rest/members/{memberId}' -H "Authorization: Bearer <insert your token here>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" --request DELETE




curl -k 'https://api.mashery.com/v3/rest/members/{memberId}' -H "Authorization: Bearer <insert your token here>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" --request DELETE



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